If you own a vehicle in Florida, you are required to have a certain amount of auto insurance coverage. A common theme the Miami Car Accident Lawyers at Ferrer Law see time and time again, is how many people misunderstand the term “full coverage”. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) you must carry two types of insurance before you register your vehicle, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Liability (PDL). Personal Injury Protection or PIP is known as No-Fault insurance coverage that pays medical bills and lost wages in the event of an accident. In Florida, PIP covers 80% of your medical bills up to $10,000. You can only receive PIP benefits if you seek medical treatment within 14 days of the accident. PDL coverage pays for damage to another person’s property caused by you or someone else driving your insured vehicle.
Although, the term “full coverage” sounds like a lot, the term can be used loosely. This can lead you to believe, you have every type of coverage available, when in reality you have the minimum required by Florida law. This is why it is important to be informed of all the different types of coverage before you purchase your automobile policy.
Insurance Coverage that is Not Required under Florida Law includes:
Bodily Injury Coverage (BI): “BI” helps cover expenses related to the injury or death of another driver or a pedestrian when an accident is your fault. Without this type of coverage, you may be held personally liable for others medical expenses if you are at fault in an accident.
Under/Uninsured Coverage (UM): “UM” helps cover your medical expenses if you’re in an accident, the other party is found at fault and doesn’t have enough liability insurance.
Collision: Helps cover expenses to repair or replace your vehicle if it has been damaged or totaled in an accident
Comprehensive: Helps cover expenses to repair or replace your vehicle that’s been stolen or damaged by things like storms or vandalism.
Unfortunately, many Florida drivers are under the notion that they are “fully covered”. Leaving them responsible for endless medical expenses and property damage the day they involved in a car accident. Being fully covered in Florida requires a very specific types of coverages to be purchased. If you have any questions involving your auto insurance policy
The Miami Personal Injury Lawyers at Ferrer Law will review your auto insurance policy at no cost to you. They have represented individuals with various injuries due to automobile accidents throughout Miami-Dade, Broward, and the rest of the state of Florida if you or a loved one were involved in a left turn collision call Ferrer Law PA at +1-305-697-2224 for a free consultation.